Australian National Botanic Gardens
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In Flower This WeekA weekly news-sheet prepared by a Gardens volunteer |
So many plants are tightly in bud waiting for the warmer spring to come. Regardless, there is much floral beauty to behold. At the left of the Main Path, Guichenotia macrantha [Section 210] is seen above the rocks. This small, open shrub has purple, bell-like pendent flowers along the lateral branches. Across the path Grevillea `Poorinda Tranquility' [Section 210] is low growing and bear dusky pink spider-like flowers with cream tips.
Passing the cafe, Crowea saligna [Setion 240], still very small, bears cheery pink star-like flowers. Grevillea `Boongala Spoonbill' [Section 240] is a dense, spreading shrub with attractively lobed leaves and deep, bright red toothbrush-like flowers. Closer to the Banks Building, Banksia `Giant Candles' [Section 143] is seen with elongated gold cylindrical flower spikes. Compare it with Banksia ericifolia var. ericifolia [Section 239] with similar foliage but with brilliant gold, almost red, shorter flower spikes. Correa pulchella `Pink Mist' [Section 119] should not be missed, for this small plant is laden with pink tubular flowers. Bursaria lasiophilla var. atriplicina [Section 4] is most attractive for this small, slim tree sparkles with tiny white flowers.
Along this road is a grove of small trees, Acacia podalyriifolia [Section 206], ablaze with clusters of soft, golden flower balls and silver-grey foliage. An area here, of hakeas includes Hakea cristata [Section 23], a of medium size plant with toothed, oval leaves and small clusters of white flowers along the branches. Hakea sericea [Section 21] has lacy, pink flowers on the long terminal branches which are heavily laden with grey fruits. Hakea bakeriana [Section 21] bears its pink and cream flowers in large clusters on old wood, seen mostly behind the needle-like leaves. Its fruits are quite large, also seen behind the foliage. The small honeyeaters, Eastern Spinebills, particularly enjoy the nectar of the hakeas and grevilleas, and the brilliant Crimson Rosellas are content with the offerings in the Sydney Flora area. Yellow Robins, too, may be seen, mostly on the lower branches of various shrubs.
The walk through the Sydney Flora area is one of tranquility. Banksia oblongifolia [Section 191] has flower spikes of varying shades of green and close by Banksia spinulosa var. spinulosa [Section 191] reveals it brilliant golden flower spikes which are ribbed with red or black styles. Leptospermum macrocarpum [Section 191] has really splendid pink and white flowers with large, green centres scattered about the old, scrambling shrub while Leptospermum squarrosum [Section 191] crowds its pink flowers along the outer branches of a taller, dense shrub.
Always another flower to see ...
Barbara Daly.
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