sA weekly news sheet prepared by a Gardens' volunteer.
Numbers in square brackets [ ] refer to garden bed Sections.
Plants in flower are in bold type.
11 December 2009
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Eremophila racemosa- click for larger image |
Ascending the stairs to the Visitors Information Centre walk below the branches clad with fluffy white flowers of Eucalyptus curtisii [Section 221] and beside the florific emu-bush, Eremophila racemosa [Section 221] with slim buds coloured orange maturing to reddish- purple tube shaped flowers. At the doors of the Information Centre potted plants include the spectacular Christmas Bells, Blandfordia grandiflora with their large bell shaped flowers coloured red with yellow mouth falling from the tip of long upright stems. Grevillea leptobotys is low and laden with pink flower spikes falling over the side of the pots. Beside the Banks Walk there may be one vivid red with dark eye pea-shaped flower of Sturt’s Desert Pea, Swainsona formosa, in a pot beside Bank’s memorial. Opposite, on the banks, Cassinia leptocephala [Section 210] is a shrub of many branches clad with flat clusters of yellow flowers. Behind the pink flowers is that of Boronia ‘Carousel’ [Section 210]. The Kangaroo paws are flowering throughout the gardens and here, edging the path they include Anigozanthos ‘Bush Haze’ [Section 210] with maroon and yellow ‘paw’ flowers on long upright stems and Anigozanthos flavidus [Section 210] with matt green flowers. Pelargonium rodneyanum [Section 174] with geranium-like magenta coloured flowers, edges the path.
Ascending the stairs a view of our native rhododendron, Rhododendron lochiae x macgregoriae [Section 210], a low spreading shrub laden with orange-red bell shaped flowers is quite stunning. Taking the main path through the Rainforest the Dorrigo Waratah, Alloxylon pinnatum [Section 147] is a small tree with red flower heads among the dense foliage. It can be seen beside the descending stairs. At the corner Cuttsia viburnea [Section 147] here, is a small tree with a canopy of white fragrant flowers in clusters. A splash of white on a higher level is also a Cuttsia viburnea. Palm Lilies, Cordyline sp. [Sections 64, 158] are frequent in this area. They are all upright slim palm-like plants with orderly large leaves and many with threads of mauve flowers from the terminal branches. Follow this path through the cool relaxing valley, taking the last stairs on the left, just before the bridge. Microcitrus garrawayi [Section 62] is a shrub of medium size bearing fragrant white flowers while close by Banana Bush, Tabernaemontana pandacaqui, [Section 64], an open shrub with perfumed white flowers which will be followed by yellow shaped fruits.
Around the top corner to the right a hill-side is clad with Rhododendron laetum x lochiae [Section 62] similar to an earlier shrub but more spectacular because of the area covered. The grass trees close-by are also worth viewing, because of their size, all having brown and green grass skirts and most with their fading cream flower spikes. They are Xanthorrhoea glauca [Section 62]. Across the road Brachychiton bidwillii [Section 220] is an open deciduous shrub just gaining its new terminal leaves with deep pink flowers.
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Ceratopetalum apetalum - click for larger image |
Returning over the bridge and path on the far side of the Rainforest, a coachwood, Ceratopetalum apetalum [Section 145] is a tall tree clad with bare trunk crowned in profusion with cream flowers. Across the road many tall trees, Silky Oaks, Grevillea robusta [Sections 78,105] can be seen clad with long gold toothbrush-like flowers, towering above other vegetation.
The return path edging the Rainforest Gully contains many Native Elderberries, Cuttsia viburnea shrubs [Sections 114,125], all clad with clusters of tiny white daisy-like flowers and Hibiscus sp. [Section 114] coloured pink or yellow.
A cool walk in the Rainforest … Barbara Daly.