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Council of Heads of Australasian Herbaria |
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In Olwyn Barnett a range of remarkable abilitIes came together - a discerning eye. an incredible memory, an ability to make almost anything grow, and a love of plants: especially Australian native plants. Her abilities were demonstrated early when, as a child, she could Instantly name her father's collection of 400 roses.
Born in Brisbane, she was nursing In Tasmania when she met and married Paul Barnett. They dairy farmed on King Island for many years before moving to the Otway region. As long-time members of SGAP Olwyn and Paul were immediately instrumental in establishing the Otway Group of SGAP Victoria. Olwyn was Group seed-bank curator and was in charge of the display table at monthly meetings (as well as providing most of the material from her extensive native garden). She also had an uncanny ability to name almost anything displayed. Her ability to instantly name grevilleas, especially the hybrids, was a source of awe to members. The registration of one ot Olwyn's discoveries - a particularty beautiful daisy bush from the Otway Ranges - as Olearia lirata 'Olwyn Barnett' is a fitting tribute to this remarkable plantswoman.
- Obituary from Otway Group, SGAP
Source: Extracted from: undated cutting from an unspecified SGAP newsletter, ACRA records.