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ASBS Newsletter

Number 68, September, 1991


Cleland memories, compiled by W.R. Barker .................... 2
Domin's Australian grass types come to light, by T. Macfariane .................... 11
The Casuarinaceae: a biogeography-based theory, Y.H. Hwang .................... 14
Grasses of the New World, and 42nd AIBS meeting, San Antonio, Texas, B. Simon .................... 16
Resurrection of the Honiara Herbarium (BSIP), Solomon Islands, P. Forster .................... 19

Fake tectonics and continental drip, J.C. Holden .................... 20
Continental drip revisited, T.B. Hoist .................... 21
Continental drip reviewed, D. Morrison .................... 23
A bicentenary, A. George .................... 25
Old herbaria: who collected what?, B. Barker .................... 26

Australian Systematic Botany Society Business
Conference final notice .................... 27
CSIRO scientific journals .................... 27

Australian Biological Resources Study .................... 28
Australian Botanical Liaison Officer, Kew .................... 29
ASBS Canberra Chapter .................... 30
ASBS Adelaide Chapter .................... 30
Report on International Organization for Plant Information .................... 30
Report on CAVP and APNI databases .................... 32

Personal News
Leiden appointments .................... 33
Philip S. Short .................... 33

Reviews .................... 33

Notices .................... 37

A.S.B.S. Chapter Conveners, and Herbaria Phone Numbers .................... 40